OIDC Server Configuration

Specific guides

We have specific configuration instructions for the following Auth Software:

Keycloak ConfigurationOry Hydra ConfigurationDex Configuration

If you are using another OIDC Provider, no problem keep reading.

Generic Guide

Here are the key takeways for configuring.

  • Create a OpenID Connect client with Standard Flow AKA Authorization code flow. It's the default setting.

  • Disable client authentication (public client). We don't want to rely on client secret, it would be instantaneously leaked by your SPA.

  • In the configuration of the client, you only need a single valid redirect URIs. Let's assume that the home of your page is https://my-app.com you would set https://my-app.com/oidc-callback.htm, if your app is hosted under a sub path like https://my-app.com/dashboard, use https://my-app.com/dashboard/oidc-callback.htm. You may also want to add http://localhost:/oidc-callback.htm for local developement.

  • Valid post logout redirect: Same as the Valid Redirec URIs

  • Web Ogigins: http://my-app.com, http://localhost:5173

Last updated

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