v5 -> v6

Here’s what’s new in version 6 of oidc-spa:

  • Full compatibility with any OIDC provider In v5, you had to define valid redirect URIs using wildcards, such as https://my-app.com/dashboard/*. However, according to the OIDC specification, wildcards in redirect URIs are not allowed. Some OIDC servers, like Ory Hydra, enforce this rule, as discussed here. In v6, you only need to define a single redirect URI, the homepage of your app (e.g., https://my-app.com/dashboard/).

  • Enhanced security: No more token storage in session storage Tokens are no longer stored in session storage, aligning with modern security best practices.

  • Eliminated the need for a silent-sso.htm file Making oidc-spa self contained and easyer to setup.

  • Improved error messages If something is misconfigured, error messages now provide much clearer explanations of the root cause.

  • API refinements Several API improvements aiming at making the library usage more intuitive.

Migration Guide

1. Remove public/silent-sso.htm

The silent SSO file is no longer needed, so it should be deleted from your project.

2. Update configuration changes

The following changes have been made to the API:

export const { OidcProvider, useOidc, getOidc } = createReactOidc({
    issuerUri: "https://auth.your-domain.net/realms/myrealm",
    clientId: "myclient",
    // `publicUrl` has been renamed to `homeUrl`
-   publicUrl: import.meta.env.BASE_URL,
+   homeUrl: import.meta.env.BASE_URL,
    // `isAuthGloballyRequired` has been renamed to `autoLogin`
-   isAuthGloballyRequired: true,
+   autoLogin: true,
    // `doEnableDebugLogs` has been renamed to `debugLogs`
-   doEnableDebugLogs: true,
+   debugLogs: true,

   // ...
-  publicUrl: import.meta.env.BASE_URL,
+  homeUrl: import.meta.env.BASE_URL,

3. Update authentication assertion

The assertUserLoggedIn option has been replaced:

-const { oidcTokens } = useOidc({ assertUserLoggedIn: true });
+const { oidcTokens } = useOidc({ assert: "user logged in" });

4. Error Management Updates

  • OidcInitializationError now only includes the isAuthServerLikelyDown property, which is true if the authentication server is likely down. If it’s false, the OIDC server is reachable, but there is a client/server missconfiguration.

  • The initializationError.type property has been removed.

5. Keycloak Configuration Improvements

The Keycloak setup guide has been updated for better clarity:

6. Session Initialization Changes

  • The authMethod option has been removed.

  • The isNewBrowserSession property should now be used instead.

7. Impersonation

oidc-spa v5 had built in impersonation cappability. However, this mechanism was somewhat hard to implement in practice, and could expose your app to vulnerabilities if not implemented correctly. If you want to implement impersonation, here is an alternative approach for Keycloak:

If you where using this feature, just reach out to me, I'm open to re-introducing it.

Last updated

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