If your application requires users to be authenticated at all times—such as dashboards or admin panels—you can configure oidc-spa to automatically redirect unauthenticated users to the login page. This ensures that no part of your app is accessible without authentication.
This is similar to wrapping your root component with withLoginEnforced(), but with a key difference: oidc-spa assumes the user will never be unauthenticated. This means you do not need to:
Check isUserLoggedIn, as it will always be true.
(React) Use the assertion useOidc({ assert: "user logged in" }), since the user is guaranteed to be logged in.
(React) Use withLoginEnforced, it is not exposed in this mode since it is always enforced.
import { createOidc, type OidcInitializationError } from "oidc-spa";
const oidc = await createOidc({
// ...
autoLogin: true,
// postLoginRedirectUrl: "/dashboard"
.catch((error: OidcInitializationError) => {
// Handle potential initialization errors
// In this mode, falling back to an unauthenticated state is not an option.
if (!error.isAuthServerLikelyDown) {
// This indicates a misconfiguration in your OIDC server.
throw error;
alert("Sorry, our authentication server is down. Please try again later.");
return new Promise<never>(() => {}); // Prevent further execution
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import { OidcProvider } from "oidc";
const router = createRouter({ routeTree });
ErrorFallback={({ initializationError }) => (
<h1 style={{ color: "red" }}>
{initializationError.isAuthServerLikelyDown ? (
<>Sorry, our authentication server is currently down. Please try again later.</>
) : (
// Debugging: Use initializationError.message for details.
// This is an issue on your end and should not be shown to users.
<>Unexpected authentication error.</>
<RouterProvider router={router} />