If there is no part of your app that can be browsed without being logged which is typically the case for application like dashboard or administration pannel, you can make oidc-spa automatically redirect users to the login pages when they are not authenticated.
In this mode you don't have to:
Check isUserLoggedIn, it will always be true.
(React) Use useOidc({ assert: "user logged in" }) you know that's the case.
import { createOidc, type OidcInitializationError } from "oidc-spa";
const oidc = await createOidc({
// ...
autoLogin: true,
// Optional, the default value is: location.href (here)
// postLoginRedirectUrl: "/dashboard"
.catch((error: OidcInitializationError) => {
// Here you need to handle the potential initialization error
// because in this mode we cannot fallback to the user being
// not authenticated if we ran into an error.
if( !error.isAuthServerLikelyDown ){
// This mean that there is an issue in the configuration
// of your OIDC server.
throw error;
alert("Sorry our authentication server is down, try again later");
return new Promise<never>(() => {});
import { createReactOidc } from "oidc-spa/react";
export const { OidcProvider, useOidc } = createReactOidc({
// ...
autoLogin: true,
// Optional, the default value is: location.href (here)
// postLoginRedirectUrl: "/dashboard"
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import { OidcProvider } from "oidc";
const router = createRouter({ routeTree });
ErrorFallback={({ initializationError }) => (
<h1 style={{ color: "red" }}>
{initializationError.isAuthServerLikelyDown ? (
<>Sorry our authentication server is currently down, please try again later</>
) : (
// NOTE: Check initializationError.message for debug information.
// It's an error on your end no need to show it to the user.
<>Unexpected authentication error </>
<RouterProvider router={router} />