Basic Usage

Let's get your App authenticated!

In this section we assume that you have access to an OIDC Server, that you have created and configured an OIDC client for your application and that you have a hold on your issuer uri and client id.

import { createOidc } from "oidc-spa";

const oidc = await createOidc({
    issuerUri: "",
    clientId: "myclient",
     * Vite:  `publicUrl: import.meta.env.BASE_URL`
     * CRA:   `publicUrl: process.env.PUBLIC_URL`
     * Other: `publicUrl: "/"` (Usually)
    BASE_URL: import.meta.env.BASE_URL

if (!oidc.isUserLoggedIn) {
    // The user is not logged in.

    // We can call login() to redirect the user to the login/register page.
    // This return a promise that never resolve. 
          * If you are calling login() in the callback of a click event
          * set this to false.  
         doesCurrentHrefRequiresAuth: false
          * Optionally, you can add some extra parameter 
          * to be added on the login url.  
          * (Can also be a parameter of createOidc `extraQueryParams: ()=> ({ ui_locales: "fr" })`)
         //extraQueryParams: { kc_idp_hint: "google", ui_locales: "fr" }
          * You can allso set where to redirect the user after 
          * successful login
          // redirectUrl: "/dashboard"
           * Keycloak: You can also send the users directly to the register page
           * see:

} else {
    // The user is logged in.

    const {
        // The accessToken is what you'll use as a Bearer token to 
        // authenticate to your APIs
    } = oidc.getTokens();

    fetch("", {
        headers: {
            Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`
     .then(response => response.json())
     .then(orders => console.log(orders));

    // To call when the user click on logout.
    // You can also redirect to a custom url with 
    // { redirectTo: "specific url", url: "/bye" }
    oidc.logout({ redirectTo: "home" });

    // If you are wondering why ther's a decodedIdToken and no
    // decodedAccessToken read this:
    console.log(`Hello ${decodedIdToken.preferred_username}`);

    // Note that in this example the decodedIdToken is not typed.  
    // What is inside the idToken is defined by the OIDC server you are using.  
    // If you want to specify the type of the decodedIdToken you can do:
    // import { z } from "zod";
    // export const { useOidc } = createUseOidc({
    //    ...
    //    decodedIdTokenSchema: z.object({
    //        sub: z.string(),
    //        preferred_username: z.string(),
    //        // ... other properties
    //    })
    // })



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