Other OIDC Provider
If you are using an OIDC Provider other than the ones for wich we have a specific guide for, here are the general instruction on how to configure your OIDC Provider:
Create a OpenID Connect client with Standard Flow also refered to as Authorization code flow. It's usualy the default setting.
Disable client authentication (public client). We don't want to rely on client secret, it would be instantaneously leaked by your SPA. This means enforcing PKCE.
Valid Redirect URIs: https://my-app.com/ and http://localhost:5173/
The slash at the end is important
If your app is hosted on a sub path like /dashboard you would set https://my-app.com/dashboard/ and http://localhost:5173/dashboard/
5173 is the default port used by Vite dev server, adapt according to your setup.
Valid post logout redirect: Same as the Valid Redirec URIs
Web Origins: https://my-app.com, http://localhost:5173
Last updated
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