Auto Logout

Automatically logging out your user after a set period of inactivity on your app (they dont move the mouse or press any key on the keyboard for a while)

Configuring auto logout policy

Important to understand: This is a policy that is enforced on the identity server. Not in the application code!

In OIDC provider, it is usually referred to as Idle Session Lifetime, these values define how long an inactive session should be kept in the records of the server.

Guide on how to configure it:

you don't need to configure anything at the app level. Otherwise you need to explicitly set the idleSessionLifetimeInSeconds so it matches with how you have configured your server.

import { createOidc } from "oidc-spa";

const oidc = await createOidc({
  // ...
  idleSessionLifetimeInSeconds: 300 // 5 minutes
  //autoLogoutParams: { redirectTo: "current page" } // Default
  //autoLogoutParams: { redirectTo: "home" }
  //autoLogoutParams: { redirectTo: "specific url", url: "/a-page" }

Displaying a countdown timer before auto logout

const { unsubscribeFromAutoLogoutCountdown } = oidc.subscribeToAutoLogoutCountdown(
  ({ secondsLeft }) => {
    if( secondsLeft === undefined ){
      console.log("Countdown reset, the user moved");
    if( secondsLeft > 60 ){
    console.log(`${secondsLeft} before auto logout`)

Last updated

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