Performance issues?

If you're experiencing performance issues—meaning that the createOidc() function takes too long to resolve or that your application remains stuck on the fallback of <OidcProvider /> (e.g., <>Checking authentication ⌛️</>) for several hundred milliseconds—it may be due to your application's architecture. Specifically, if your application performs asynchronous operations before oidc-spa is imported, the silent sign-in process (executed in an iframe) can be delayed.


You don’t need to restructure your application. Instead, simply add the following two lines to your entry file:

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import { handleOidcCallback } from "oidc-spa/oidc/handleOidcCallback";


This ensures that the authentication server's response is processed as early as possible, minimizing delays while keeping the impact on your bundle size minimal. 👍

Last updated

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