🔑Usage with Keycloak

Let's spin up a Keycloak server and configure it for your webapp!

Provisioning a Keycloak server

If you already have access to a Keycloak server you can skip this section.

Follow one of the following guides:

Get started with Keycloak on bare metal

Configuring your Keycloak server

Let's configure your Keycloak server with good default for an SPA.

Connect to the admin panel of your Keycloak server (we assumes it's https://auth.my-domain.net/auth)

  • Create a realm called "myrealm" (or something else), go to Realm settings

    1. On the tab General

      1. User Profile Enabled: On

    2. On the tab login

      1. User registration: On

      2. Forgot password: On

      3. Remember me: On

    3. On the tab email, we give an example with AWS SES, if you don't have a SMTP server at hand you can skip this by going to Authentication (on the left panel) -> Tab Required Actions -> Uncheck "set as default action" Verify Email. Be aware that with email verification disable, anyone will be able to sign up to your service.

      1. From: noreply@my-domain.net

      2. Host: email-smtp.us-east-2.amazonaws.com

      3. Port: 465

      4. Authentication: enabled

      5. Username: **************

      6. Password: ***************************************

      7. When clicking "save" you'll be asked for a test email, you have to provide one that correspond to a pre-existing user or you will get a silent error and the credentials won't be saved.

    4. On the tab Themes

      1. Login theme: keycloak (see next section to see how to create a theme for your app)

      2. Email theme: keycloak

    5. On the tab Localization

      1. Internationalization: Enabled

      2. Supported locales: <Select the languages you wish to support>

    6. On the tab Sessions

      1. SSO Session Idle: 14 days - This setting and the following two are so that when the user click "remember me" when he logs in, he doesn't have to login again for the next two weeks.

      2. SSO Session Idle Remember Me: 14 days

      3. SSO Session Max Remember Me: 14 days

  • Create a new OpenID Connect client called "myclient" (or something else) by accessing Clients -> Create Client

    1. Root URL: https://your-domain.net (or something else, your app does not need to be on the

    the same domain as your Keycloak).

    1. Valid redirect URIs: https://onyxia.my-domain.net/*, http://localhost* (for testing in local)

    2. Web origins: *

    3. Login theme: keycloak (or your theme if you have one)

  • (OPTIONAL) In Authentication (on the left panel) -> Tab Required Actions enable and set as default action Therms and Conditions. (You can use Keycloakify to specify your therme and condition, see next section)

  • (OPTIONAL) On the left pannel you can go to identity provider to enable login via Google, GitHub, Instagram, ect...

Now the parameter that you will have to provide to oidc-spa are:

    issuerUri: "https://auth.your-domain.net/auth/realms/myrealm",
    clientId: "myclient"

Replace your-domain.net, myrealm and myclient by what you actually used in the configuration process.

Customizing the login and register page

By default, Keycloak comes with very generic login and register pages, you might want to customize them to match the design system of your App. We've createad a lib that let you create Keycloak theme using React!

Last updated