Create the oidc-callback. file in your public/ directory:
<!doctype html>
<!-- oidc-spa file. Do not remove, do not edit -->
if (localStorage.getItem("oidc-spa.callback-file-version") !== "2") { alert("Your oidc-callback.htm file is outdated. Please update it."); } const authResponse = {}; for (const [key, value] of new URL(location.href).searchParams) { authResponse[key] = value; } const reloadOnRestore = ()=> { const listener = ()=> { if (document.visibilityState === "visible") { document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", listener); location.reload(); } }; document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", listener); }; const stateJson = localStorage.getItem(`oidc.${authResponse.state}`); if (!stateJson || stateJson === "null") { reloadOnRestore(); const KEY = "oidc-spa.has-navigated-back"; if (sessionStorage.getItem(KEY) === "true") { sessionStorage.removeItem(KEY); history.forward(); } else { sessionStorage.setItem(KEY, "true"); history.back(); } } const { data } = JSON.parse(stateJson); if (data.isSilentSso) { parent.postMessage(authResponse, location.origin); } else { reloadOnRestore(); const redirectUrl = new URL(data.redirectUrl); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(authResponse)) { redirectUrl.searchParams.set(`oidc-spa.${key}`, value); } location.href = redirectUrl.href; }
On your OIDC Server, in your client configuration, define Valid Redirect URIs: https://oidc-callback.htm, http://localhost:/oidc-callback.htm. More infos.
Doing without the oidc-callback.htm file
If for some reasons it's not fesable or practical for you to rely on the oidc-callback.htm it's fine, this file is only here for optimisation purposes but the lib works without it.
To let oidc-spa know that you won't be using the oidc-callback.htm file provide those parameter when initializing the adapter:
export const { ... } = createOidc({
// ...
- BASE_URL: import.meta.env.BASE_URL,
+ BASE_URL: undefined
// Provide the path of your homepage.
// It's usually "/" but it can be for example "/dashboard"
// If your app is accessible at
+ homeUrl: "/"
As Valid Redirec URIs use the home of your app without trailing shlash at the end.
Example: or https// and http://localhost:5173 or http://localhost:5173/dashboard